One Gun Firearms | The Current Headlines
One Gun Daily | Magazine
A Collection of various stories that center on Military, Politics and firearms. News is compiled by various contributers and sources from around the country and with 16,700+ readers is a good source for current articles and debate.
The Yankee Gunner Podcast
A Podcast with 1,000+ listeners. It is released every other Monday and covers stories from Connecticut, New England and Nationally. Stories range from Firearms, Politics and other Constitutional related stories. Guest appearences are often NRA Certified Instructors, Law Enforcement, Military and Responsibly Armed Citizens standing up for their Constitutional Rights.
The December edition is now available. America's 1st Freedom is a Monthly Magazine provided that will engage the reader in Pro Second Amendment Articles and Sponsors. This magazine is courtesy of the National Rifle Association and is free to all members.
To read past issues click check out America's 1st Freedom Magazine Archives
Concealed Carry Magazine
Concealed Carry Magazine comes out 8 times a year and you can go here to get your subscription today. The magazine is the brain child of Tim Schmit - the founder and publisher of Concealed Carry Magazine and the United States Concealed Carry Association (USCCA). He started Concealed Carry Magazine in 2004. With almost 80 issues in print, the magazine has grown to over 100,000 subscribers. Tim has helped hundreds of thousands of armed citizens to becomebetter protectors and continues to do so every day.