Most Frequently Asked Questions
Below you will find some of the more common questions I am asked during my courses and private instructions.
Do I need a Pistol Permit to buy a Gun?
Answer: Not exactly
To purchase a handgun in the state, a person needs to obviously meet the federal age requirement of 21 years-old. A handgun eligibility certificate is necessary to buy any handgun, which just involves a background check and completion of an NRA sponsored Safety Course to obtain. This certificate does not make a person eligible to carry a weapon openly or concealed though. For the carry permit, a person must apply in their local jurisdiction usually local Police Department or Town Hall Clerk's Office. Unfortunately, some local towns are very stingy on who they will grant a handgun carry permit to, which can result in some very annoying denials to perfectly eligible individuals. Most denials can be reversed by the state's firearms board though.
Is Connecticut an Open Carry (OC) State

Answer: Yes
In reviewing the CT Statutes on Firearms, there is no definitive claim either for concealed or open carry. Many police departments have sent out memos to their officers informing them that citizens have a right to "carry" as long as they possess a valid Carry permit, and the firearm belongs to them.
What do I do if my Town will not or cannot give me an Permit Application?

If your town either will not or cannot issue you an application for a Pistol Carry Permit, contact CT State Department of Public Safety @ 860-685-8494 and they will mail you out an application. Fill it out, include a copy of your Safety Course Certificate and your bank checks and then drop it off at your local Police Department for processing. You will still need to get your fingerprints done at the local PD.
Should I get a Utah CCW Permit?

Answer: Absolutely!
By obtaining your Utah Non-Resident CCW permit, you are entitled to carry in up to 30 additional states. For a list of those states that are covered and not covered please check out this link to be taken to the Utah Department of Public Safety's website.